BURIAL: Deardorff Cemetery
BIOGRAPHY: David moved from Virginia to Indiana in 1827; to Iowa in 1840, and Cedar Co., Missouri, near Jerico Springs, in 1856. He lived in Cedar Springs, Missouri the rest of his life. David's marriage to Elizabeth Ronk took place in Putnam Co., Indiana, according to some sources. He and Catherine were both loyal members of the "Dunkard" Church or Church of the Brethren. They opened their home for meetings before a church was built.
He went from Virginia to Indiana in 1827, then to Iowa in 1840, and to Cedar County, MO (near Jerico Springs) in 1856. He lived in Cedar Springs, Cedar County, MO the rest of his life. (from Some Descendants of Anthony Dierdorff, Jr., page 33)
1880 U.S. Federal Census Missouri Cedar Other Townships District 246 p. 277 (Ancestry.com 3 of 17)
BURIAL: Deardorff Cemetery
1880 U.S. Federal Census Missouri Cedar Other Townships District 246 p. 277 (Ancestry.com 3 of 17)
He may have been born in Cedar County, MO.
He may have been born in Cedar County, MO.
Hillis TUCKER Birth Date: 6 Jul 1913 Death Date: 22 Dec 1990 Social Security Number: 488-07-0103 State or Territory Where Number Was Issued: Missouri
Research Notes: This person may or may not be Jewell Marian Landrum ( who married Hillis Tucker) father.
ID: I41868
Name: James Marshall Landrum
Sex: M
Birth: MAY 12 1874 in Indiana
Death: OCT 20 1961Father: Eurias or Urias Landrum b: CIR ___ 00 1839 in Indiana Mother: Letitia Bolding b: 00 1843 in IndianaMarriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Jewell Landrum
Louise Landrum
Iva Landrum
James Landrum
CENSUS:1790 Albany City, 2nd Ward,Albany Co.,NY
CENSUS:1800 Albany Co., NY 4/2/0/1/0 1/0/2/1/0
BOOK:Portrait & Biog. Sketches of Clark & Green Co., OH, 1890
OCCUP:William Brown was elected a member of the New York General Assembly.
BOOK:Minutes of the Committee of Correspondence, v1 R974.742 AL131.
Proceedings February 1778, William Brown was elected to the New York
General Assembly.
EXPL:William Brown died while his family was in Canada, son James returned from
Canada to see him before he died, but did not make it in time. They were
said to be with 'family in Upper Canada.' Upper Canada reference indicates Ontario, Canada.Information supplied by Honey Dodge (Leader of the Brown Group).
Research Notes:
Information supplied by Honey Dodge (Leader of the Brown Group).
Elizabeth Brooker or Brougher or Cronk or Kronk
CENSUS:A son this age shows up on the 1790 & 1800 Census
CENSUS:A son this age shows up on the 1790 & 1800 Census
CENSUS:A daughter this age shows up on the 1790 & 1800 Census
BOOK:Portrait & Biog. Sketches of Clark Co. & Green Co., Ohio. 1890
BOOK:Portrait & Biog. Sketches of Clark & Green Co., Ohio, 1890
OCCUP:Town Clerk 1823-1824 & Constable 1823,Deer Creek Twp., Madison Co, Ohio
RES:Somerford Twp, Madison Co., Ohio 1818-1820
BOOK:History of Madison Co., Ohio by Beers, 1883 p814
CHURCH:Methodist Episcopal
POLITICS:Old Whig Party, then Republican
ISSUE:Children in my file
EXPL:Could this be the Aury Brown referred to in the Hist. of Madison Co.,
Ohio [Deer Creek Twp]? In 1826, the James Brown & Aury Brown families
had children attending School District #1.
1 NAME Benjamin Eddard /RAMAGE/
2 GIVN Benjamin Eddard
Researched and compiled by Brenda Hawkins
Researched and compiled by Brenda Hawkins
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.Family emmigrated in the summer of 1753, sailing
from Renfrewshire, Scotland in the Ship "Dolphin"
They landed at Piscataqua, Maine then proceeded up
the St. Georges River to Warren, Maine. Then to Boston,
and back to Deer Isle ,Hancock County, MaineDEATH: Also, reported as 1776 in Warren, ME.
BIOGRAPHY: This information was obtained off the Internet the first part of August 2002. Information was collected from Ancestry.com, a commerical genealogy site and familysearch.org, the LDS genealogy site.
Information below found at: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/franbennett/williamg.htm
William Greenlaw of Scotland and Maine, USA
William Greenlaw - 001
Born: 9 Mar 1712 in Liberton, Midlothian, Scotland (?) (see below)
Died: 1776 Deer Isle, Hancock Co., Maine (?) (see below)
The family emmigrated in the summer of 1753, sailing from Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland, in the ship, Dolphin. The Dolphin landed at Piscataqua, ME, where the immigrants remained for about a week or possibly longer, then proceeded up St. Georges River and landed at what is now known as Warren, ME. The family later relocated to Boston, MA, then to Penobscot, Deer Isle, ME, sometime prior to 1762, where they settled on Campbells Neck.NEW INFORMATION:
According to an LDS family genealogy, William was b. 9 Mar 1712 in Liberton, Edinburgh, Scotland, and was the son of John Greenlaw and Elizabeth Thompson. That genealogy also states that he m. 1731 and d. 1776 Deer Isle, ME. The m. date appears to be incorrect and none of the information has been personally verified, but the Old Parish Registers of Scotland show the following: John Greenlaw m. Elspeth Thomson 19 Aug 1709 in Liberton, Midlothian, Scotland, and had the following children, all recorded in Liberton: Elspeth, chr. 18 Jun 1710; William, chr. 14 Mar 1712; Robert, chr. 21 May 1714; Hellen, chr. 13 Jan 1717; Margaret, chr. 8 Jul 1719; James, chr. 4 Mar. 1722; Elspeth, b. 30 Mar. 1725; John, b. 8 Jun 1728; and Janet b. 18 Jan 1731. In one record, Elspeth Thomson is shown as "Elspeth Thomsone," and in some as "Elspeth Thomson," and the remainder as "Elizabeth Thomson." This information remains to be verified.
Married: ca. 1729 in Scotland (no record found in the Old Parish Registers of Scotland)
Jane ?
Born: ca. 1710 in Scotland
Died: date unknown but at Deer Isle, MaineChildren (order of birth uncertain except that Jonathan is said to be the third son):
James Greenlaw (b.ca 1729/30) - 002 <jamesgr3.htm> William Greenlaw, Jr. (b. 1738) - 009 <william3.htm> Jonathan Greenlaw (b. 1738) - 004 <jonathan.htm> Ebenezer Greenlaw (b. 1740) - 003 <ebenezer.htm> Charles Greenlaw (b. 1743) - 006 <charlesg.htm> Alexander Greenlaw (b. 1748) - 005 <alexande.htm>NEW INFORMATION:
Justine Gengras has provided information that John and Jean, previously shown by me as the children of William and Jane, were not the children of William and Jane. John was the brother of William, and Jean was John's daughter. That information appears to be accurate but is shown as probable pending further investigation.Probable brother of William Greenlaw, immigrant to Maine:
John Greenlaw (b. 1728) - 008 <johngre2.htm>Sources: Numerous ship passenger list references; research of Roger Archambault from records kept by Hazel Medora (Greenlaw) Flanders, Ada Halen (Hart) Greenlaw, and Geraldine Ada (Flanders) (Archambault) Flanders; research of Justine Gengras; family history provided by the Bowie family; Deer Isle/Stonington, ME Historical Society records; Old Parish Registers of Scotland
Information concerning Amos C. Greenlaw and his pedigree was obtain from:
Loyalist Descendants of New Brunswick and Maine Plus Others
Contact: Arnold E. Krause <mailto:arnie-krause@shaw.ca> <arnie-krause@shaw.ca>
Home Page: Purpose of this data base and my Main Home Page(watch for latest News) <http://members.shaw.ca/arnie-krause/>Ancestry.com Website: http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=aek740a
Information concerning Amos C. Greenlaw and his pedigree was obtain from:
Loyalist Descendants of New Brunswick and Maine Plus Others
Contact: Arnold E. Krause <mailto:arnie-krause@shaw.ca> <arnie-krause@shaw.ca>
Home Page: Purpose of this data base and my Main Home Page(watch for latest News) <http://members.shaw.ca/arnie-krause/>Ancestry.com Website: http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=aek740a
Following is from newspaper clippin of Wed., August 2, 1933. (paper notidentified). Titled "OLD HANCOCK COUNTY FAMILYS" by William M. Pierce.
"William Greenlaw and his family came to Maine in America from Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland, in the "DOLPHIN" in the summer of 1753, After touching at Piscataqua, where the Greenlaw family and other Scotch immigrants remained for a week or more, the "DOLPHIN" and its passengers proceed up George's River, the passengers landing on the west side of the river, in the lower part of what is now Warren, Me., in September. William Greenlaw and his family moved from what is now Warren to Boston, Mass., from which place they moved to what is now Penobscot, Deer Isle or vicinity, where they settled on a farm and where William Greenlaw is said to have been living near the close of the eighteenth century."
Some members of William's family later migrated to New Brunswich and NovaScotia in the late 18th century.
bDate of Death: reported as 1776 or 1785
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.BIRTH: Her birth is reported as 1715, also.
Information concerning Amos C. Greenlaw and his pedigree was obtain from:
Loyalist Descendants of New Brunswick and Maine Plus Others
Contact: Arnold E. Krause <mailto:arnie-krause@shaw.ca> <arnie-krause@shaw.ca>
Home Page: Purpose of this data base and my Main Home Page(watch for latest News) <http://members.shaw.ca/arnie-krause/>Ancestry.com Website: http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=aek740a
Information concerning Amos C. Greenlaw and his pedigree was obtain from:
Loyalist Descendants of New Brunswick and Maine Plus Others
Contact: Arnold E. Krause <mailto:arnie-krause@shaw.ca> <arnie-krause@shaw.ca>
Home Page: Purpose of this data base and my Main Home Page(watch for latest News) <http://members.shaw.ca/arnie-krause/>Ancestry.com Website: http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=aek740a
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.BIRTH: Also, reported as about 1681.
Information concerning Amos C. Greenlaw and his pedigree was obtain from:
Loyalist Descendants of New Brunswick and Maine Plus Others
Contact: Arnold E. Krause <mailto:arnie-krause@shaw.ca> <arnie-krause@shaw.ca>
Home Page: Purpose of this data base and my Main Home Page(watch for latest News) <http://members.shaw.ca/arnie-krause/>Ancestry.com Website: http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=aek740a
Information concerning Amos C. Greenlaw and his pedigree was obtain from:
Loyalist Descendants of New Brunswick and Maine Plus Others
Contact: Arnold E. Krause <mailto:arnie-krause@shaw.ca> <arnie-krause@shaw.ca>
Home Page: Purpose of this data base and my Main Home Page(watch for latest News) <http://members.shaw.ca/arnie-krause/>Ancestry.com Website: http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=aek740a
At the time of this preparation of the Greenlaw Family Tree (October2000) the parents of John Greenlaw and Elizabeth Thompson had not beendiscovered.
The earliest record of the Greenlaw surname is in Scotland. A Williamde Grenlawa is recorded in a Kelso Charter in 1180. By the 17th century,the name appears in many locations of Scotland, including Aberdeen,Banff, Berwickshire, East Lothian, Fife, Kircudgright, Lanar, Midlothian,Renfrewshire, Roxburg, Stirling, and West Lothian. By the mid 18thcentury, the name also appears in Dumfried, peebles, and perth inScotland, and in England, Northern Ireland, in Canada, and in Maine,Massachusetts, Virginia, and Pennsylvania in Ameria.
Individuals with the surname include gardeners, masons, farmers,carpenters, coopers, shipbuilders, seamen, and statemen.
The literal translation of the surname is "grassy hill" and variationsinclude, Grenlaw, Grinlav and Grinlaw.
Portions of the data included herein has been extracted from:
George L. Hosmep
(published by PRESS OF STANLEY and USHER
171 Devonshire St.,
Boston 1886
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.BIOGRAPHY: Elspeth given name is reported as Elizabeth and her surname is spelled as Thompson, also.
Information concerning Amos C. Greenlaw and his pedigree was obtain from:
Loyalist Descendants of New Brunswick and Maine Plus Others
Contact: Arnold E. Krause <mailto:arnie-krause@shaw.ca> <arnie-krause@shaw.ca>
Home Page: Purpose of this data base and my Main Home Page(watch for latest News) <http://members.shaw.ca/arnie-krause/>Ancestry.com Website: http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=aek740a
Information concerning Amos C. Greenlaw and his pedigree was obtain from:
Loyalist Descendants of New Brunswick and Maine Plus Others
Contact: Arnold E. Krause <mailto:arnie-krause@shaw.ca> <arnie-krause@shaw.ca>
Home Page: Purpose of this data base and my Main Home Page(watch for latest News) <http://members.shaw.ca/arnie-krause/>Ancestry.com Website: http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=aek740a
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.BIRTH: also, reported as 17 June 1710 in Liberton, Scotland.
BIOGRAPHY: Given name reported as Elizabeth, also.
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.BIRTH: reported as 16 may 1714 in Liberton, Scotland.
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.
BIRTH: also, reported as 11 January 1715/1716 in Liberton, Scotland. 1715 appears to be too soon after the birth of Robert on 16 May 1714.Birth: also reported as 13 January 1716 or 1717
Some records indicate name as Dau which may just indicate daughter. No more information is available at this time. (5 August 2002)
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.Birth: also reported as 5 July 1717
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.
Birth: also reported as 5 March 1721/1722
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.
Any Errors or conflicts are inevitable, due to the
many sources compiled here. Most are contributed by
family members personal recolections plus findings at
the Salt Lake Family History Library Records. All
contacts are welcome. The Early Bryants data end in
Florida,but are alleged to emanate from Georgia .The
Sherrards start in Lawrence Miss.
Hi, I am the step granddaughter of Hannah Doersam. She died before my mother and step father were married (1956) but I have some information that you may want add. You have her children listed as Arnold and 2 living children. There is only one living child but the other two deceased children are Dorothy Doersam Ashe (married to Leo Ashe) and Juanita Doersam James (married to Hugh James). I do not have their exact dates of death but I can easily find out. Thought you would want to know.
Name Death Date
JAMES, JUANITA R 14-Aug-1969
JAMES, JUANITA S. d 13-Dec-1999Social Security Death Index:
JUANITA S JAMESSSN xxx-xx-xxxx Residence: 98375 Puyallup, Pierce, WA
Born 20 Nov 1921 Last Benefit:
Died 13 Dec 1999 Issued: WA (Before 1951)Information provided by David Allen Navorska:
Juanita S. DoersamSource: Hanson, James, Our Family Stories, (Pub. location unknown,
worldconnect.rootsweb.com, 10 Mar 2003"... Hannah Kuper ... Marriage 1 Edward Doersam ... Married: ABT 1913
in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington Children ... Juanita Doersam b: 20 Nov
1921 in Tacoma, Pierce, Washington ...""... Juanita DOERSAM ... Sex: F Birth: 20 Nov 1921 in Tacoma, Pierce,
Washington Death: 13 Dec 1999 in Puyallup, Pierce, Washington Change
Date: 21 Oct 2002 Married Name:... Juanita James ... the other two
deceased children are ... Juanita Doersam James (married to Hugh
James). ... Name Death Date JAMES, JUANITA R 14-Aug-1969 JAMES,
JUANITA S. d 13-Dec-1999 Social Security Death Index: JUANITA S JAMES
... Last Residence: 98375 Puyallup, Pierce, WA Born 20 Nov 1921 Died
13 Dec 1999 Issued: WA (Before 1951) Father: Edward DOERSAM b: Abt
1890 in Washington Mother: Hannah KUPER b: Jun 1894 in Lennox,
Lincoln, South Dakota Marriage 1 LIVING UNKNOWN"