Loren Thomas Greenlaw

"Among the well known and successful citizens of the western part, of Pierce county stands Loren T. Greenlaw, a native son of this county and one whose active and industrious career has been crowned with a very gratifying measure of Success.   He was born on the old Greenlaw homestead, near  Spanaway, on May 8, 1888, and is a son of Amos and Wilhelmina (Meyer) Greenlaw,  the former born in Maine in 1838, while the latter was a native of Pierce county.   Mr. Amos Greenlaw was a sailor, and about 1860 came around Cape Horn to Puget Sound, where he quit the sea and turned his attention to land pursuits.   Soon after, in partnership with Amos Rice, he built a sawmill at Tumwater Falls near  Olympia, which they ran for several years.   Mr. Greenlaw then came to Spanaway,  Pierce County, and settled on one hundred and sixty acres of the old Brown  donation claim, where he lived until his death, which occurred December 27,  1895.  He was survived by his widow, who passed away October 18, 1913.  They were  the parents of ten children, namely: Mary, Lustrous, Mrs. Nettie Turner, Amos,  Mrs. Ruby Soule, Leonard, Loren, Cyrus, John, and Minnie,  deceased.

Loren Greenlaw, received his educational training in the old Clover Creek school and  then went to work in sawmills and logging camps, becoming familiar with every  phase of the lumber business.   For the past ten years he has been foreman for the  Cascade Timber Company at Frederickson.   In 1923 Mr. Greenlaw bought out the  interests of the other heirs in the old Greenlaw homestead on section 31,  township 19, range 4, and now has twenty-five acres of the land in cultivation,  the remainder of the land in being pasture and woods.   He keeps fifteen good  grade Holstein cows and eight head of young cattle, while his principal field  crops are hay and grain.  Mrs. Greenlaw is greatly interested in chickens and is going into that business on a commercial scale.

On December 27, 1911, Mr. Greenlaw was united in  marriage to Miss Anna Kuper, who is a native of South Dakota, a daughter of  Wessel and Christina Kuper, the latter of whom was born in Minnesota and is now  living in Washington.   Wessel Kuper, who was born in Germany, came to the United  States in 1879, and settled in Minnesota.   Later he moved to South Dakota, where he  lived until 1908, when he came to Pierce county and bought one hundred acres of land near Parkland, on which he lived until his death in April, 1924.   To him and  his wife were born eight children, Anna, Hannah, Ben, George, John, Ernest, Fred  and Irene.   Mr. and Mrs. Greenlaw are the parents of five children: Alfred,  Vernon, Evelyn, Lorraine and Lucile, the four eldest of whom are in school.   Mr.  Greenlaw has spent practically his entire life in this locality and that he is a  man of sterling worth, reliable in business and in citizenship, is manifest in  the warm friendship and genuine respect accorded him by those among whom he has  always lived."
The above article is taken from the following publication:
Bonney, W.P., History of Pierce County, Washington, Chicago: Pioneer Historical Pub. Co, Vol. 3, page 393, 1927.
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