Family StoriesBrita Baardsdatter Stokkatveit—Branch #2Brita Baardsdatter Stokkatveit was born September 20, 1818, on Stokkatveit farm, which was part of the Mork farm in Suldal, Norway. She moved with her parents to the Ovre Tveitane farm in 1819 and later on to the Foss farm in 1836. She was about 18 years old when she moved to Foss and only lived there for two years. She was the first one in her family to marry. In 1838, she married Hallvard Tjerandson who was born on December 28, 1806 on the tenant farm Vika that was part of the Steinbru Kvilldal farm. Brita and Hallvard settled on the tenant farm Bergsli (Bergslia) on the farm Lovra in Erfjord. The farm is located in the south by Lake Lovra. The Erfjord Bygdebok (1959) says that on the Bergslia farm they fed: 1 cow, 2 calves, and 10 sheep and produced: 1 barrel of oats and 1 ˝ barrels of potatoes. Hallvard was also a cooper, which is a person who makes or repairs casks and barrels. That was an important industry in Ryfylke at that time. For ten years, from about 1844 to 1855, Brita and her brother Jon were neighbors living by Lake Lovra. Jon lived at Tyskevik, but later moved to Roykjenes on Ombo Island. Brita and Hallvard had 10 children who grew up on the Bergslia farm: Tjerand was born in 1839; Baard was born in 1841: Ola was born in 1842 (died in childhood); Hallvard was born in 1844; Bronla was born in 1846; Ola was born in 1848; Inger was born in 1851; Jone was born in 1856; Jakob was born in 1856: and Berdines was born in 1864. They left their home as soon as they grew up and their descendants live in Norway, America, and Australia. Tjerand went to America and we have been unable to locate any information about him and his descendants. Baard Halvorsen ( aka Bernard Hanson ) went to America and seems to be one of the early emigrants. He probably left Norway before the Civil War in America, between 1861 and 1865. The first wave of emigrants to the States was after the end of the Civil War and it culminated in 1882. Baard Halvorsen was regarded as a pioneer in Alaska according to Norwegian records, but later he settled down in Seattle. A biography of his life in a Central Washington book of biographies and information from one of his granddaughters says that he left home at an early age and adopted the life of a sailor at the age of fourteen. He landed at San Francisco on October 5, 1867. He changed his name to Benard Hanson. He got a job on a farm in Half Moon Bay and worked in California for ten years. He worked for the Jones family in Half Moon Bay, and moved with them to Kittitas Valley in Washington around 1877. He later married his boss’ daughter. He worked among the mills in Kittitas Valley for five years. He filed a timber claim and purchased 437 acres of railroad land. He married Sophia Bell Jones on December 25, 1882 in Ellensburg, Washington. They had twelve children who were all born in Ellensburg, Washington: Bertha, John, Martha, Jacob, Mary, Ora Belle, Charles, Narcissus, Theodore, Emma, Alfred and Grace. Many of Baard’s descendants live in Washington. Hallvard married Hannah Marie Iversdotter who was born in 1859 in Hommeland, Norway. Their first child was born in Erfjord and then they lived in Stavanger, Norway. They had nine children: Iver, Halvor Bertinius, Hendrick, Jakob, Halvor, Johan, Gundar, Hulda Marie, and Anny Laurense. Halvor Bertinius went to America, but returned to Norway. Some of his descendants are in Washington and California. In 1878, Bronla married Anders Anderson Asheim in Norway. He was born on May 12, 1838 in Asheim, Jelsa, Norway. They lived in Asheim, Norway. They had seven children: Kornelius, Martha Karina, Bertha Karoline, Halvor Kornelius, Bronla Andrine, Johannes Torbjorn, and Jakob Andersen. There is also a half-brother listed named Andreas. Their descendants seem to be in Norway. Ola married Cecilie Samsonsdotter who was born in 1851 in Vanvig, Sand, Norway. They lived in Sand, Norway and had five children: Halvard, Borghild Serina, Berta, Jakob Olsen, and Barbro Sesilie. Cecilie died on April 29, 1886 and Ola married Liva Margreta Olsdotter Kolbeinsen on October 27, 1887. She was born on January 10, 1859 in Kallevig, Avaldsnes, Norway. They had five children: Konrad, Cesilie, Oleif, Ola, and Maria. Jakob Olsen went to Australia and many of his descendants are there. Marie went to Seattle, Washington and raised her family there. She returned to Norway just a couple weeks before she died, but her descendants live mostly around the Seattle, Washington area. Most of Ola’s descendants are in Norway. Ola and Hallvard were owners of sloops. Inger married Osmund Nilson Tveit who was born in 1862 in Erfjord, Norway. They had a daughter Bertha Soltun and they lived in Erfjord, Norway. Inger married a second husband Johannes Knutsen who was born in 1859. They had two children: Knut and Hanna. They lived in Kalviknes, Jelsa, Norway. Jone married Magla Andersdotter Slaatto, who was born on October 1, 1869 in Lovra, Slaatto, Jelsa, Norway. They lived in Sunde, Norway. They had seven children who were born in Madla, Norway: Hallvard, Henrik, Anders, Gunla Amalia, Johanna, Laura Malena, and Jakob Johnson. Their descendants seem to be all in Norway. We do not know anything about Jakob. Berdines married Petra Louise Olsen who was born on July 10, 1869 in Karmoy, Stavanger, Norway. They lived in Stavanger. They had Halvor Bertinius, Paulus, Jakobine , Kristine Pauline, Sven, Bertine Petra, and Solvi Kjersti. Their descendants seem to be all in Norway. Anders Lovra who is the owner of Bergslia today, tells this about his grandmother. “Brita Baardsdotter was kind and cheerful--A person who had the ability to make people happy”. The Erfjord Bygdbok doesn’t mention any tenant farmer after Brita and Hallvard. Today the road through Ryfylke passes the Lovra farm.
Written in Norwegian by Tollak Jakobsen in
Norway in 1998; translated into English for the reunion; and edited by
Linda Robinson in 2000 for the book to make it easier to understand and to
add the third generation. Some of the information here comes from the
pages in the Slektregister and some comes from the speeches Tollak made at
the reunion. Some of the information was given to Linda Robinson after
the reunion.
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